Nut of The Month Club

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Please provide the following contact information for ordering:

Call toll free to: 888-NUT-CLUB (888-688-2582)

                      New Order     Renewal

      First name 
       Last name 
Company (if appl)
  Street address 
 Address (cont.) 
 Zip/Postal code 
      Home Phone    We do not give out
      Work Phone       our customer
      Cell Phone        information
          E-mail         to others!
                 E-mail required in case there are questions about your order

Please provide the following ordering information:

Choose one of the following options:

12 Month Subscription - $189.90      (plus S&H: $3.34 per month - $40.08 total)
          12 Consecutive Months starting with month selected below

6 Month Subscription - $99.95      (plus S&H: $3.34 per month - $20.04 total)
          6 Consecutive Months starting with month selected below

6 Month Customized Subscription - $109.95      (plus S&H: $3.34 per month - $20.04 total)
          6 Specific Months selected below

3 Month Subscription - $59.95      (plus S&H: $3.34 per month - $10.02 total)
          3 Consecutive Months starting with month selected below

3 Month Customized Subscription - $69.95      (plus S&H: $3.34 per month - $10.02 total)
          3 Specific Months selected below

          Starting Month

          Select Specific Months (if you chose the 3 or 6 month customized options above)
          The nuts ship in the specific months selected
  January - Hazelnuts February - Smoked Almonds March - Peanuts April - Brazil Nuts May - Cashews June - Pecans
July - Mixed Nuts August - Macadamias Sept - Honey-Roasted October - Almonds November - Pistachios December - Walnuts


Credit card
Cardholder name
Card number        
Expiration date     
Credit Card ID      How to find


Company (if appl)
 Street  address 
 Address (cont.) 
        Zip code 

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      Click to see sample card


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